Change your bank details

  1. On your SumUp profile, click the profile symbol in the top right corner.

  2. Select "Profile details".

  3. Choose "Bank details" then "Change bank account".

  4. Enter details for a compatible bank account and continue.

  5. We'll text a verification code to your registered phone number. Enter the code and confirm the change.

You’ll receive automatic confirmation of your change. This will now be your default bank account for bank transfer payouts.

Verification code missing

Check and amend your contact number if your verification code doesn't arrive.

Update account holder

Email us with a request to change the account holder for your registered bank account and a copy of a bank statement from the past 6 months with the following details:

  • The account holder's name

  • Your account number and BSB code

  • Your bank's name or logo

  • The issue date of the bank statement

Your account holder and profile owner must match

For sole traders, the name on the bank account associated with your SumUp profile must match the name of the profile owner or your business name.