How do QR codes work?

Share your QR code with customers in a way that suits you, either by sending it to a customer directly or by printing and displaying your QR code somewhere your customer will see it.

Customers can then simply scan the code to pay via our secure payment portal. No need for them to download an app or create an account to pay.

Can I reuse a QR Code?

QR codes can be reused endlessly. Though fixed-payment amount QR codes can't be edited, you can create as many QR codes as you like.

What do QR codes cost?

You pay a fee of 3.25% + $0.15 per transaction taken with QR codes. The transaction is free for your customer.

Who can use QR codes?

There are some additional security restrictions for QR codes. Check our restricted businesses section to see if youโ€™re eligible to use remote payments.

Start using QR codes

Get started by creating and customising QR codes to share with your customers.