To print an expense note for a closed order just follow the next steps:
1. Go to Settings ⚙️ (top right).
2. Then, select Orders, on the left side-bar.
3. Choose the Closed section.
4. Select the order you want to print the expense note. This will lead you to the payment screen.
6. Click on Print note button, located below.
7. Now you can choose the number of expenses notes you want to print and define an amount in euros, with a maximum of the total cashed-in.
8. Click on Validate blue button in order to print the expense note.
You can also activate a module so every time you cash an order it gives you the option to print an expense note apart from the ticket. From your Back office go to Configuration > Your modules > Payment > Expense receipt.
With this module activated, each time you make any charge, it will appear a pop-up in which you can select to print an expense -> Print note button (or just to print the ticket).