To add your customer’s information to the ticket follow these steps:
1. Make sure your Customer Account module is activated (if it is activated you will see the iconin the top part of your screen. Otherwise, you can activate your Customer Account module from your Back Office by clicking HERE.
2. You have to activate Print "Customer information on the receipt" module in your Back Office > Configuration > Your Modules > Payment
3. Once on the application refresh it by clicking on the 2 small arrows at the top.
4. On the order taking part, assign the order to a client. You can create a new client or simply select an existing client following the below instructions.
Click on the round arrow on the upper right part of the ordering page and select Assign Customer
If you already saved the client info simply look up for the client and select his name. Otherwise, fill in the blanc fields and click on Create customer. Finally, select Assign to Order
5. Print the ticket as you usually do it and the information of your client will be displayed on the top part of the ticket.