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Install our app on your mobile device to access a host of helpful features on the go. Here's how to find and download the SumUp app.
Read ArticleProvide a second copy of an old receipt or simply send or print a receipt from a previous sale. Here's how it's done.
Read ArticleConnect to your card reader via the SumUp app or a POS device so you can take orders and the accept card payments seamlessly.
Read ArticleThe best way to reduce the risk of payment disputes is to ensure customer satisfaction at all times, but you can also take additional steps to take payments securely.
Read ArticlePrinter disconnected? When the "Can’t connect device" error message shows, here’s how you can reconnect your printer to resume printing.
Read ArticleConnect a printer to use with SumUp so you can start printing receipts after transactions or reprint receipts from previous sales.
Read ArticleCheck if your card reader can connect to the smart phone, tablet or POS device you're using and what compatibility requirements there are for using our apps.
Read ArticleThe modifiers feature allows your to customise your own checkout process and minimise the number of items that are needed in your catalog.
Read ArticleImprove the performance of your card reader with advice on how to use it best. From battery life to updating your reader, here’s what you need to know.
Read ArticleAccepting card transactions with a card reader is quick and easy with SumUp. Here’s all you need to know.
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Read ArticleIs your card reader not charging or losing battery power fast? Find out how to fix your card reader’s battery-related issues.
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Read ArticleCheck out which standalone printers are compatible with SumUp so you can start printing receipts for your transactions.
Read ArticleYour card reader automatically checks for updates on a regular basis, however here's how to manually check for card reader updates to ensure everything runs smoothly.
Read ArticleBluetooth connection not working? Find out how to reset your card reader's Bluetooth and fix connectivity issues.
Read ArticleTurn on your Bluetooth so you can connect to other devices to take payments.
Read ArticleIf your device is blocked or otherwise defective, you may be eligible for a free replacement. Here's how you can get a replacement device if yours breaks.
Read ArticleThe Air card reader offers an easy, mobile way of accepting card payments wherever you are by connecting to you mobile device.
Read ArticleAs part of our commitment to the environment, you can return old, unwanted card readers to us free of charge so we can dispose of them properly.
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